One in a few people who have experienced diarrhea can attest to the fact that this is the most annoying and embarrassing bodily condition. First, it makes you excrete stool more than the usual and causes unwanted bowel movements. Second, it could put you at risk of dehydration caused by flushing out too much water from the normal and it is not a good idea to just let it run its course. Lastly, diarrhea is accompanied by severe abdominal cramps and headache, which when not managed can cause great discomfort and death, if severe enough.

What should you know about diarrhea?

How To Get Rid Of Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a common bodily condition that flushes out toxins out of the body which are usually caused by certain bacteria and virus. The intestines are the most common places for the bacteria to thrive and by disturbing the natural flow of stools, it causes severe and sudden cramps that leads to toxin flush outs.

These bouts are considered painful and most people would think of diarrhea as a disease, but in fact, it is not. It is only a condition felt by people once they have bacteria of virus thriving inside their guts which the body has to remove. It is a natural defense method by the body. However, it risks the body when it is not treated immediately. It has led to a number of deaths to infant and adults because of loss of water and extreme pain.

Considered very helpful in terms of its natural function to the body, however, diarrhea has actually caused fatalities to people, mostly infant. With a variety of known causes, one of the most number of hospitalizations from a virus has been to the rotaract virus amounting to 55, 000 in a year. An adult have a chance of experiencing diarrhea four times in a year, while children will get it twice as much before they reach five years.

One thing about diarrhea is that it does not last long and usually subside after a certain point of time. Those who have experienced more than a week of diarrhea should have their conditions checked. This length of time can be another symptom for an underlying disease or condition, so a careful examination of symptoms is important. (source:

What causes diarrhea

How To Get Rid Of Diarrhea
Everyday living and lifestyle has an effect to the stomach and intestines. Stress, food and substances the body intakes may contribute to the condition and it is normal. As the body has to shield itself from the bad effects of the toxins it is exposed to, the stomach doubles its process in flushing out the toxins. Diarrhea can be caused by viruses or bacteria. It could also be caused by medication, travelling to another country or place, and chronic bowel diseases.

Bacteria – these are already living organisms in the stomach which might have experienced overgrowth or introduced through raw food, egg and meat products.

Viruses – they are often communicable and may have been introduced via unhealthy and improper handling of food preparation and drinking water.

Medication – substances introduced in the body like tables and pills often contain foreign chemicals which are not supposed to be inside the body. Their presence in the stomach might trigger the body to expel it usually followed by episodes of diarrhea.

Traveller’s diarrhea – they are often caused by foreign bacteria from water sources from other countries. Because of the body not getting used to the kind of water the new place provides, it causes bowel movements.

Chronic bowel disease – most frequent diarrheas may have caused by conditions that are already in the stomach and needs to be medicated.

Food intolerance – as the body is not perfect as to how it interact with the food it intakes, intolerance to food is one of the causes. Accidental consumption of food that the person has intolerance to can trigger diarrhea, but will only last for days.

How do you manage and treat diarrhea?

Diarrhea has many causes and treatment often boils down on carefully managing the intake of substances into the body. There are a few ways on how to get rid of diarrhea and it depends on the cause. Medication and chronic bowel diseases should be managed until the symptoms of diarrhea is not felt or until the chronic bowel disease is treated.


Viral diarrhea can be treated by just letting it be. When the virus has been flushed out, symptoms may subside, but virus may still remain inside until activated.


Taking in antibiotics to relieve of the organisms in the body can treat this type.

Food intolerance and traveller’s diarrhea

Treatment ranges from stopping the consumption of the food that should not be taken or avoiding water from other sources aside from the bottled ones.

Healthy prevention of diarrhea

How To Get Rid Of Diarrhea
There is no better cure to diarrhea than to prevent it from attacking you again. The best way to avoid diarrhea is to cook and prepare food properly. Raw food, eggs and meat products should be avoided if you have experienced the condition from eating them. In cases where you have to travel to other countries, bringing in your own bottle of water is a good way to stop from getting bad stomach.

Another important thing is to avoid dehydration. Dehydration is the leading cause of death with diarrhea and not the condition itself. In fact, when you bowel frequently, you may lose precious ions and water from the body. Taking in soup and food rich in sodium and liquid is advisable if you are undergoing treatment. For adults, drinking Gatorade has proven helpful in replenishing lost ions and hydrates in the body. What is important is that your moisture and water level in the body will not fall short of the normal to avoid complications.

Experiencing diarrhea can be very pleasant, but proper management and treatment can go a long way. Just be sure to have a consultation with your physician to know any underlying causes if there is.

If you have some useful tips and advices about treatment and prevention of diarrhea, please feel free to leave a message in our comment box section.