Fleas are parasitic insects that live off sucking the blood of animals and rarely humans. Fleas reproduce rapidly, creating large colonies which work together on identifying sources of food and together tackle these identified sources. Fleas lay a large number of eggs rapidly making it imperative that their growth and spread be contained as early as possible. The presence of fleas may be observed and identified by a careful observation of the behaviour of the animals and pets in the house. Fleas are extremely resilient and resistant to common defence mechanisms such as delousing and other methods. The following are a couple of helpful suggestions that can help you deal successfully with the menace and threat caused by fleas in your homes and property. Be sure to pass on any tips that you find effective to your friends, family and close relatives who may be facing difficulties along similar lines on account of fleas and such.


  1. Clean all pet bedding

The first step in all activities focussing on cleaning a house or property of fleas is to clean all pet bedding or any cloth item that may be commonly for lying or sleeping used by the pets commonly. These items of bedding are commonly breeding grounds for fleas and are frequently the sites of large flea based colonies and such. Cleaning all bedding in the washing machine and later using the dryer to dry them for about 15-20 minutes can help to kill adult fleas along with larvae and eggs.


  1. Vacuum the whole house down

Fleas usually locate their colonies and lay their eggs in regions of the house that are usually damp or not exposed to sunlight. Before cleaning the carpets, salt, borax or baking soda must be sprinkled under the carpets. These salts have the property to absorb moisture from the surrounding air. The absorption dry out of moisture will cause the flea eggs to dry out, thereby killing the larvae and eggs hidden deep inside the carpet. After the vacuum is completed, the debris must be collected and disposed in an air-sealed bag, so that the fleas and other insects that are still alive may not crawl back into the house to lay eggs and to start new colonies.


  1. Install dehumidifiers

Fleas usually lay eggs and start their colonies in region that are damp, humid and away from sunlight. Install dehumidifiers that absorbs and removes all the water in a room helps to kill adult fleas and larvae, and to stop the flea eggs from hatching, as fleas require moisture to grow and to hatch their eggs.


  1. Clean pets regularly

Fleas often enter the house and reach pets through other pets who may go out to play  in the open which brings them into contact with fleas and other parasitic insects. Cleaning your pets regularly, and give them thorough wash-downs can help in ensuring that your pets remain clean and free of fleas.