Freckles are dark contrasting spots that appear on your skin either naturally or as a result to sun exposure. Freckles may make your face look cluttered and may give a cloudy impression about your skin. Naturally occurring freckles are also more common, and these freckles achieve their highest contrast after teenage usually and remain throughout most of the late adult life, unless medical or cosmetic treatments are adopted. Naturally occurring freckles are often considered beautiful and attractive in several sub-cultures. Naturally occurring freckles may often occur in combination with bright ginger coloured hair as a result of deviations in skin-hair melanin content.  The following are a few tips on how to efficiently and effectively use and utilise natural and traditional skin lightening and fairness methods, and prevention strategies to keep yourself free of freckles.


  1. Use lemon juice

Lemon juice contains citric acid and other citrous extracts ehicha ct as a natural bleaching and skin lightening agent. The use of lemon juice may help in makinf the freckles less contrasting and in disappearing them altogether. Lemon juice tends to be more effective in the case of naturally occurring freckles, which often occur as a result of melanin imbalances in the skin and the hair. Freckles caused due to ecposure to sunlight and the strong UV rays that are present in the sunlight cannot be easily lightened through the use of lemon juice. This is so because freckles caused due to exposure to sunlight usually tend to be more contrasting and are more haphazard and random in their appearance on the skin.


  1. Use a dairy mask

Applying a milk based mask on your face, and allowing it to soak in and to douse your facial skin is another popular and effective method to lighten your skin and to reduce the contrast of your freckles. Milk contains lactic acid which acts as an effective skin-lightening and whitening agent. The lactic acid present in the milk is the active agent in the dairy mask that is used to lighten the facial skin. The lactic acid achieves this by peeling off the top epidermal layer of the skin. This helps in making the freckles look less contrasting. Once again, the dairy mask method is more effective in,ightening the contrast caused by naturally occurring freckles rather than freckles caused due to sunlight exposure. Freckles arising from sunlight exposure are too randomly distributed for a uniform treatment such as a dairy mask to be effective.

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  1. Use of fruit peels

Mixing several different kinds of fruits together into a mixture and applying the resultant mixture on your facial skin is another method to lighten the freckles on your facial skin. Usually pulpy fruits such as mangoes and papayas are used to create the fruit pulp mixture. The fruit extracts contain several fruits’ acids that help in gently removing by peeling off the top layers of the skin, helping to achieve a lightened look and less contrasting freckles.