Whiteheads are a variety of acne much like pimples and much like acne they can really make the skin look bad. Having perfect, blemish free skin is every one’s dream and while this is not easy it is a task that can be accomplished with patience and effort. There are various reasons for whiteheads occurring in increased numbers, including genetics, food habits and also hormonal imbalance or increased oil production. Whiteheads occur when oil is produced in excess by the skin and gets trapped in the skin’s pores, this then swells and traps additional dirt and dead cells of skin. This eventually forms a white pustule which is called a whitehead. With a yellowish or whitish tinge, they aren’t exposed to outer air and oxygen like with blackheads and can occur mostly on chin and nose region. It is important not to break these with fingers as it leads to them spreading all over and also results in scarring.

When considering how to get rid of whiteheads, first pay heed to your existing routines of skin care and follow the right practices to aid ridding of whiteheads. If whiteheads are seen to occur on your skin you can remove them successfully in a number of ways using simple remedies that will keep your skin neat, clean and blemish free. Pay heed to how you care for your skin and also cleanliness, be sure to always wash your face with a mild face wash and keep hands clean each time you touch your face. Make sure that you use a cleanser and remove all make up before bed time as this adds to the clogging of pores when not cleaned properly. Make sure you pat your face dry with a towel instead of rubbing and also do not share towels, make up etc which can aggravate the condition or could be a root cause.

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Beauty Portrait

Exfoliation and scrubbing of the skin are an important and healthy practise when tackling whiteheads. You can make home-made exfoliators with papaya, grated carrot, neem leaves and cucumber which can be rubbed into skin gently to cleanse the skin thoroughly. Use a scrub which will clean your pores and make sure you do this once a week to open up and cleanse the dirt which is present in your skin. Alternatively steam your face once a week after exfoliation to open the pores and clean it, be sure to close the pores by gently rubbing with a piece of ice.

When choosing products like face wash, moisturizer, etc be sure to look for ingredients that aid in removal of whiteheads and skin care such as alpha-hydroxyl acids (hydrating agent) and salicylic acid (anti-septic and cleansing).  These are ingredients that help prevent oil build up in the skin and aid in removal of white heads. Make sure you eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and keep your body well hydrated. Gently rub lemon on your face twice a week which has antiseptic properties and is a good remedy when trying to combat whiteheads. Frequently changing bedsheets is also important when treating whiteheads as it helps keep daily items clean and prevents spread of whiteheads.