Positive thoughts for the day
Positive thinking is a mental attitude wherein you perceive the world with a positive outlook in wherein which you expect positive and favorable outcomes. Starting your day with a positive thought in mind not only energizes you but also helps you to think positively throughout the day. Here are some beautiful positive quotes which would help you face the obstacles abdfid happiness.
- “Each of us is called to do something in the name of love, to make sure that humanity comes to understand itself and is able to choose love over fear.”
- “You cannot tailor-make the situations in life but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations.”
- “We can become prisoners of ourselves. One must dig tunnels to escape one’s own mind. We get just this one life. We have to stop doing time and live out our lives like we planned in our youth. No matter where we are, or how old, we can always reach for our dreams.”
- “We can’t escape pain; we can’t escape the essential nature of our lives. But we do have a choice. We can give in and relent, or we can fight, persevere, and create a life worth living, a noble life. Pain is a fact; our evaluation of it is a choice.”
- “Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.”
- “Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity.”
- “It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. It lies in having no goal to reach. It is not a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream. It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace not to have any stars to reach. Not failure, but low aim, is the real sin.”
- “Nothing truly stops you. Nothing truly holds you back. For your own will is always within your control. Sickness may challenge your body. But are you merely your body? Lameness may impede your legs. But you are not merely your legs. Your will is bigger than your legs. Your will needn’t be affected by an incident unless you let it.”
- “The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop, at late or early hour. Now is the only time that you own. You must live, love, and work with a will. Place no faith in tomorrow; for the clock may then be still.”
- “Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.”
- “Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disembowels them or one that can literally save their lives.”