Stretch marks are thin off-colour hued visible lines that usually appear around the abdominal wall and lower back region such as the thighs and the buttocks. Stretch marks may often cover large regions of the body. Stretch marks are usually caused due to a sudden gain in body weight. Such gain in body weight causes the skin and the underlying tissue to stretch, forming the much dreaded stretch marks A sudden loss in body weight may also contribute towards creating stretch marks on the body. Usually women find stretch marks on their belly and abdomen after an episode of pregnancy or delivery. Rapid growth and genetic factors are also responsible for stretch marks. Stress and other lifestyle factors also contribute to stretching of the skin and the formation of stretch marks. Sudden changes in physical conditions such as the diet or the climate may force the body to readjust, causing it to stretch resulting in stretch marks.

Stretch marks may appear initially as pink or light red in colour, but over time it morphs into a thin, silvery line on the skin. Stretch marks can make people uncomfortable and can create discomfort and anxiety. The following are a couple of helpful suggestions that can help you deal successfully with the menace and threat caused by these insects in your homes and property. Be sure to pass on any tips that you find effective to your friends, family and close relatives who may be facing difficulties along similar lines on account of these insects and such.

1. Applying Castor Oil

Castor oil is an extremely popular and common treatment method used to address issues relating to the skin and the epidermis. Castor oil has powerful healing and strengthening properties. It can also contribute to the nourishment of the skin. Castor oil can be effectively used to mitigate the results of stretch marks. After applying the castor oil on the affected region, it is allowed to remain for about 5 to 10 minutes. During this period the oil seeps into the skin and its uppermost layers of skin tissue. After that mild heat is applied to the oiled region using a hot water bottle or a heating pad. If repeated regularly for a month, this method can yield rich dividends.

2. Using Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural herb that is widely used in beauty products including sopas and perfumes. Aloe vera is used for its properties of nourishment and moisturisation. Aloe vera can also be effectively used to get rid of stretch marks. Aloe vera offers great flexibility in the different ways in which it can be used. The most common method involves directly rubbing aloe vera gel onto the affected skin region. In this method a handful of aloe vera gel is taken and it is gently applied on the area of the affected skin. The applied gel is allowed to remain for 15 minutes or more. In the meanwhile the gel and its nourishing nutrients soak into the skin. It may then be rinsed off with lukewarm water.